Friday, August 19, 2011

Shock, shock!


I disappear for months & then 2 posts in one day!  I designed & pieced this months ago from a charm pack and set it aside…unsure who it was for but really loving it.  A couple weeks ago I sandwiched it with a quirky backing & quilted around each charm with a rainbow variegated thread.  Once again, into the “needs finishing” pile because it’s just been too hot in my sewing room & I haven’t got much gumption or creativity.  Well, boredom got me this morning & I finally finished & just spent 2 hrs hand sewing the binding. 


Please excuse the bad photo of the quilt hanging over the living room window, at least it was cat hair free.  It measures 42x62 which is a great size for me to cuddle alone on the couch or in my favorite chair but not so big it’s dragging on the floor.


I adore the backing, it’s crazy!  And it hides some relatively major tucks & buckling that happened when I was quilting (I did catch one section & was able to remove the quilting & try again but well, it’s not perfect).  The binding is some leftover jelly roll batiks that I’ve used for some of my girls quilts which is a nice touch of nostalgia and it sorta matches.


I’ll have to look up the name of the fabric but it’s bright & young, too young for me but I can’t bear to part with it.  AND choosing which child to give it to would be like choosing favorites.  This is the first (non-wall hanging) quilt I’ve made & kept for myself, after dozens I’ve given away, about time I kept one!


It’s too warm to use it right now but here it is on MY chair, and it’ll keep my sweaty back from sticking to the leather ~grin.~

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