J's coming home from a 5 day hunting trip today, I've really missed him (and how much he does around the house, apparently I'm a pig when left on my own, lol). I've got a ton of housework to knock out, nothing real serious but basic maintenance I ignored.
I'm in panic-mode about the impending holiday deadline. I finally came up with an idea for the 9 yr old boy quilt I promised, it's not the original plan but I'm into it now (with a lot more tiny pieces than I usually work with but what the heck, I love a challenge). The coffee table is covered with squares I cut last night watching a movie. I totally had a great idea using my Ikea cutting board from the kitchen with my rotary cutter, brilliance!! I didn't have to drag my 2x3 ft monster out of the sewing room & I could cut on my lap. We have 3 more cutting boards, this one won't be missed.
I didn't make much progress on J's landscape wall quilt...apparently this takes a real artist and I'm just a hack. I had grand plans of a little mountain scene with a pond & a black bear in the foreground. Ha! After all day yesterday back and forth to the dining room table where I had it laid out, snipping & gluing with a glue stick, digging in bins for more greens (sadly not a great variety), defending the whole mess from 2 lonely cats looking for their daddy, I think I have a start on it. Pinned everything, rolled it up and tossed it in a pile in my sewing room for tomorrow while he's at work. I hope it all comes together with lots of creative thread use. I still haven't figured out the many trees required...
I only need to make 4 more squares on my daughter's wonky log cabin top, the rest are still pinned to the wall. Need a clue on sashing but that's my easiest project, it *should* come together without much fuss.
Then I've got this Breast Cancer Awareness quilt in progress for a charity raffle...oh my. I'm well into it, all handsewing, what was I thinking, I hate hand work! I bought a new machine a few weeks ago, I'm thinking of using some of the cool decorative stitches to finish the thing so I can pass it on to the organizer and just be done with it. It's back burner at the moment with no deadline but I feel bad I started it and told her about it over a month ago.
And then I have no ideas whatsoever for a gift for my best friend. He's the cleanest, most spartan guy I ever met, I made him a quilt earlier in the year. And then there's J's mom, I made her a Christmas quilt last year (finished it right before we went out the door to her house, ugh). I may just show up with some yummy homemade dessert and some jellies I canned this summer. And present shopping? I have 4 kids, plus their 3 new brothers & sister, 3 of the quilts I'm making are for the group (one top complete last week), I bought one little stocking stuffer & knit 2 pairs of mittens. I need my real job to really pick up so I can go shopping for ?? Something, dang what do kids play with these days? The age range is pretty huge, I'm good with teenage girls & clothes, aside from that I'm clueless.
I'm flipping out for real, less than a month! I need 30 hrs a day for a couple wks, lol. How's everyone else doing?